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Monday, April 09, 2007

Introduction: What this is.

This project is a combination of two ideas.

The first idea is my opinion that the "ideas man" is always under rated. The 1% inspiration that the 99% perspiration is so dependent on, The Big before the Bang, The Though then Thing. There seems to be nowhere a person can buy some custom made ideas for a low low price, that is the service I wish to provide.

The second, the combination completing half , is that of Doublers. Doublers are a group of people i have encountered on the internet who start with one penny then double it 28 times to give them 1 million dollars. I myself have decided to follow a similar path, I am certainly going to use the same format, however I have decided to start with $1 and double it 31 times till I reach$1 Billion. This unnecessarily excessive quest is based on the concept that if you aim for the Moon you'll probably hit the fence, but there is a chance you'll hit the Moon, you probably wont, but you might, and that's good enough odds for me.

The plan is as follows: I will sell a one sentence idea for $1 dollar.
                                        I will sell a one paragraph idea for $10 dollars.
                                        I will sell a one page idea for $50 dollars.

You may be thinking "There aren't 10 sentences in a paragraph", well, there can be, but the price increases are based on increasing complexity;
o A One sentence idea is quite general, it may be useful to simply break writers block or get you thinking in a different direction.
o A One paragraph idea is much more conceptual and detailed, it may even contain a small diagram.
o A One page idea is a thought out, researched and developed idea which has more room for detail, integration into a system and may contain simple technical drawings and graphs.

The following are the 31 steps which need to be completed in order to achieve titanic feat (I use the term titanic in the sense of "Titan": Colossus, Massive and not in the "Titanic" sense: Huge, doomed to fail, many deaths)

1) $1
2) $2
3) $4
4) $8
5) $16
6) $32
7) $64
8) $128
9) $256
10) $512
11) $1024
12) $2048
13) $4096
14) $8192
15) $16384
16) $32768
17) $65536
18) $131072
19) $262144
20) $524288
21) $1048576
22) $2097152
23) $4194304
24) $8388608
25) $16777216
26) $33554432
27) $67108864
28) $134217728
29) $268435456
30) $536870912
31) $1073741824

Each of the 31 positions can be purchased by someone or a company or an organisation and it will entitle you to the value of that position in ideas on the topic(s) of your choice in which ever idea sizings you prefer. You may want an enormous quantity of 1$ ideas, say one thousand and twenty-four, or you may choose to split it up into 20 one page ideas, 4 paragraph ideas and 4 sentence ideas. However you want to split it up is fine. You will also have your name (or company name) and picture published on this site, with or without the ideas I produced for you depending on your preference.

I am also happy to just sell ideas, it is not important to strictly follow the above doubling pattern, Any number of Ideas can be purchased at your leisure at any time, you just wont get the free website advertising (unless you ask for it, which you should, because its free advertising). The doubling system is just a fun way of monitoring the progress.

And finally I suppose you are wondering who I am and what makes me qualified to dish-out ideas. I am an Engineering student at the end of my degree, I am a generalist (though aren’t we all as we leave university) but more importantly I feel I have a good view of the world, good creativity, common and uncommon sense and a passion for just thinking and developing ideas. I have a good scientific knowledge and understanding, interests in technology aswell as a keen interest in Comedy.

What you are buying is a different perspective, some mental stimulus, a look at the problem from a fresh pair of eyes, from a different background, from a different base of knowledge. Although there are no right or wrong answers, I will not sell an idea which I do not believe to be of Quality or Helpful to the recipient. There are no limits on the topics you wish to buy ideas on, if i dont know anything about it, I will research it aswell as give my own twist to it.

Give it a try, buy 10$ worth of ideas and see what you think.

Because of the subjective nature of this product there will be no refunds.


Unknown said...

I would like 10 one sentence ideas. Am I able to suggest a topic or theme for these ideas? Do you take credit card?

Alasdair said...

Yes you can, just send me an email Mishka telling me what topics you would like and we do accept credit card through Paypal.

Thanks alot.